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BYOD is here to stay.

The demanding increase of offering learning solutions that's engaging and current with today's technology is ever-rising. Though training in today's organization continues to lend itself to a blended range of informal and informal learning experiences, L&D professionals are becoming more responsive to where technology is leading our learning now more than ever.

Few organizations no longer feel the need to "play it safe" when it comes to their training budget and instead, have added more relevance to their learning by adopting the BYOD (bring your own device) approach.

Mobile learning is still relatively new. According to the Association of Training and Development 66% of organizations aren't leveraging the use of mobile learning. But it's important to know that modern-day employees prefer an informal feel to their learning. Because it lends itself quite well to convenience, flexibility and speed of accessing the information they need to complete their tasks. Learners want more control of how and when their training gets completed - whether during lunch at the cafe down the street, on the bus after work, or even at home. Learning professionals have seen how effective mircorlearning deliveries supports our natural attention span, and how much they can reduce using company time on training. And mobile learning (often called mLearning) offers all of this.

There are some who simply cannot afford or no longer see the point of owning a laptop. Mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets are much more affordable and provides a practical platform of learning through digital content.

Almost everything from the way we do banking to the way we buy a frap has gone mobile - and learning is no exception. If you're still giving thought to your training strategy for the upcoming year, or just looking for something new to bring to the table, read on. Here are a few ways you can use mobile learning to increase employee engagement and increase performance...

Videos We all want the training that sticks. Interactive how-to videos can offer a richer learning experience.

Social Learning Encourage peers to connect by using mobile technology as a means of sharing knowledge and feedback.

Gamification Increased probability of learning as it offers high engagement and completion rates.

Podcasts Offer your training in a series of digital audio files.


Share information visually using graphics, charts, tables, etc., which can also be used as a reference.

Interactive eBooks / Online Books

Learners can carry a plethora of interactive training guides and tools, and can choose specifically what they'd like to print.

I’m not saying that formal learning is dead. But learning is a continuum and does not take place in formal setting. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your training time, increase productivity and stay relevant, mobile learning can be a great tool to consider.

Stay connected. Our experienced staff of learning professionals are enthused to assist you with creating a strategy on how you can implement mobile learning in your organization.

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