Will Your LMS Help Achieve Your Business Goals?

The month of January is often filled with goal setting; individuals setting personal and professional goals and companies determining their business goals for the year. Creating goals requires reflecting on where you currently are, where you want to be and how you are going to get there. Most companies will establish a learning and development plan as a component of a larger business goal. This is also an ideal time to revisit the
capability of your Learning Management System (LMS).
With such a focus on performance measurement and accountability, companies cannot afford to waste training dollars. There is greater demand for metrics that matter and demonstrate an increase in performance. The trends for online, mobile, and social learning continue and virtual reality learning is on the rise. Paying attention to the trends in workplace learning and more specifically, to the needs of your people and organization, will help you determine your learning and development strategy and goals.
How does your LMS shape up to help with your strategy and goals? While by no means an exhaustive list, some considerations when evaluating your LMS, or if you are just starting to investigate implementing an LMS, include:
Capabilities – for example does is support the variety of training you will offer? (online, classroom, mobile, social, etc.), is it compatible with your HR system? Does it track and report what you need? Can you customize learning for each employee?
Ease of Use – does everyone in your organization have the technical skills to use it?
Pricing Model – are you paying per employee, per use, a licensing fee etc., and is it cost effective?
Hosting and Support – will you do this internally or externally?
Customizing and Upgrading – can you customize/upgrade your LMS to meet your current and future needs?
Today’s workforce is eager to learn. They are looking for meaningful and engaging work. Bersin by Deloitte states millennials rate career development and learning twice as important as compensation, benefits and work environment. Given that Canadian Business reports that millennials make up the largest generation in the workforce, companies may want to examine their learning and development strategy. Pathways can help with all of your organizations’ training needs, including helping you choose and customize a LMS that will help you align your business goals resulting in a successful 2017!
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