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Jun 9, 20202 min read
Tips on how to modify photos for use as elearning backgrounds
When selecting images to support your elearning, you may find you don’t have space to include imagery along with the titles, text, buttons a

Apr 25, 20192 min read
Removing white backgrounds from graphics for elearning
When you need a graphic asset that’s some sort of prop and it’s on a blank white field that you need made transparent, here are several...
Apr 7, 20172 min read
Saying good bye to simplistic eLearning design with VR
And by design I am (for the most part) talking about Graphic Design. Think about it for a second, on a standard eLearning module, you...
Mar 23, 20172 min read
Animated Transitions for eLearning When Using Storyline
When creating eLearning modules, the transition between slides in Storyline is somewhat limited, especially compared to the variety...
Mar 8, 20172 min read
The challenge of creating infographics
Recently, I created an infographic to help summarize OPPI’s annual Business Plan. This included a lot of nested information, assorted...

Sep 20, 20163 min read
Photogrammetry is an excellent tool to use in eLearning. It allows us to bring accurate representations of objects or locations to an...
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