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Oct 12, 20213 min read
Checklist for creating a VR Training Module
The pandemic has created widespread adoption of eLearning at unprecedented levels. In fact some reports show that eLearning rates have...

Oct 7, 20213 min read
Performance Management... In The Real World
Every now and again I am reminded about how fallible I am... Most days, I suppose like everyone else, I go about my business; largely...

Feb 23, 20212 min read
People Make Pathways
Product Programmer, Dylan Hedges, has been working with us at Pathways Training and eLearning for almost three years now. During that...

Jan 27, 20212 min read
LEARNING is everything and everything is learning. Recently, we explored Zoom fatigue and its causes. This week, we'd like to discuss how...

Jan 22, 20213 min read
People Make Pathways
Senior Director of Learning, Jennifer Coles, has been with Pathways Training and eLearning from the very beginning. As we celebrate...

Jan 7, 20212 min read
LEARNING IS EVERYTHING and everything is learning. New Year’s resolutions… Did you make any? How are they going so far? By now in our...

Dec 11, 20203 min read
LEARNING is everything and everything is learning. For those who suffer from even a modest fear of technology, that rings true more than...

Nov 26, 20203 min read
LEARNING is everything and everything is learning. So what does embarking on a passion project tell you about those who choose to take...

May 14, 20202 min read
What If The Customer Isn't 'Right'?
One of the greatest challenges any business can face, is making the decision to say ‘no’ to a customer. Most of us know the old adage,...

May 4, 20202 min read
Will the Pandemic Increase Adoption of eLearning, Online Learning and New Training Technologies?
I do not post a lot on social media. It’s not because I am averse to it, I actually quite enjoy looking at social media to see what the...

Apr 21, 20202 min read
Where is Learning Headed?
Amidst the ongoing discussions about ‘what the future will bring’ post COVID-19, I’ve naturally been thinking about what the future of...
Apr 7, 20172 min read
Saying good bye to simplistic eLearning design with VR
And by design I am (for the most part) talking about Graphic Design. Think about it for a second, on a standard eLearning module, you...
Apr 3, 20172 min read
Is File Size a Problem When Developing a Virtual Reality (VR) eLearning Module?
As we approach to the final stages of the production of our first virtual reality (VR) enabled eLearning module, it is important to...

Mar 28, 20172 min read
Innovation in Canada
Rumour has it that over the last few years, Canada has been lagging behind in innovation. The Conference Board of Canada’s Innovation...

Mar 23, 20173 min read
Future Outlook for 360 Video in eLearning
Recently the Pathways team took part in an exciting project in creating one of Canada’s first 360 video eLearning modules. For the past...
Sep 20, 20163 min read
When to use VR in eLearning
Is it necessary to use virtual reality in eLearning? Wouldn’t it be cheaper, faster and easier to continue using traditional methods –...
Jul 11, 20162 min read
Cognitive Science Research in Virtual Reality
We may not be able to explore Mars or the Moon in person, but with virtual reality (VR) we may be able to visit those places virtually....

Jun 29, 20161 min read
Training in Virtual Reality
In the past weeks, we looked at the possibilities of using VR (Virtual Reality) as a means for eLearning and training. Today I would like...
Jun 9, 20163 min read
Teaching in Virtual Reality
As a recent owner of the new HTC Vive, I am amazed by the immersive nature of virtual reality. I stood on the edge of a cliff, uneasily...
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