Guiding Principles for eLearning
The question this is usually asked after the delivery of elearning to a group is: was the elearning a success and if not, why? The types of feedback can vary for different companies and send them back to the drawing board to improve on a failing module. To increase your chances of avoiding some common pitfalls, follow these guiding principles when designing your next module.
Content relevance – each module should reach a desired learning outcome, so keeping the content aligned with that outcome is crucial.
Learner engagement – the elearning should encourage learner engagement and involvement in the course to ensure maximum retention of the material.
Innovative approaches – it should be evident why learning technologies are being used and new innovative approaches should be used to customize challenging learning environments.
Inclusion – the content should support different types of physical disabilities (such as inability to operate a mouse), different social and ethnic groups, and gender.
Assessments and reporting – formative assessments should be provided that give immediate feedback on performance. These results should be tracked and delivered as reports, to determine areas of strength or weakness with the course content.
Consistency and coherence – the learning objectives and content must be coherent and consistent for maximum impact, resulting in a sophisticated, yet intuitive experience.
Effective design – the elearning should be visually appealing and consistent in it’s approach to multimedia, allowing for smooth flow to the “look and feel” of the module
Using these principles as a starting point will help you start with a good foundation to build on, and expand if need be. There are many factors that help to create a meaningful learning experience, and many of these factors are interrelated and interdependent. Try not to overdo one principle to make up for a lack of another, instead find a harmonious balance where they all compliment each other.
TAGS – Pathways Training and eLearning, Toronto eLearning company, Canadian eLearning company, eLearning vendor, eLearning supplier, Canadian training company, customized training and development company, online training company, professional and corporate instructional design and training company