Can I track progress on a Virtual Reality eLearning module?
As we continue working on our Virtual Reality project, we keep discovering and figuring out how to add or modify functionality that in a regular eLearning module would be otherwise very standard and easy to do. More specifically and something that we have been trying to add to our module in the past few days, is a functionality to track progress of the questions answered throughout the module.
The first thing to notice is that, as you add hotspots on screen and questions tied to these hotspots, these are automatically added to a results slide that is created at the end of the module, however, we noticed that this screen is not immediately available for the learners (!):
As you can see in the screenshot above, the screen is there (and if you are familiar with Adobe Captivate, it looks a bit different than a usual results slide) but there is one issue: we can see that the screen is actually hidden, which is denoted by the “eye” icon towards the middle of the thumbnail. To make this screen available to learners, we simply need to right click the thumbnail of the screen and select “Show slide” or press Shift + Ctrl + H:
After this, the only thing left to do is to link any hotspot on any other slide, to navigate to this results screen:
So, that’s how you track the progress on a Virtual Reality eLearning module by way of number of questions answered.