Responsive Learning
The concept of responsive learning is that eLearning and web-based training should operate and act similarly regardless of which device it is being accessed on.
Having content that can adapt and look good on a range of devices is becoming more important as learners are increase accessing training on the go.
Below are four things to consider when developing responsive eLearning:
1. Multi-Platform

Learners expect to take eLearning on a number of devices including laptops, tablets and smartphones, this means that something which looks good on a large screen monitor may not have the same impact on a phone, having content that works well on a range of screen sizes is important.
2. Simple Navigation
How the learner navigates is key when it comes to creating responsive learning, on a monitor there is a lot of space for the next, back and menu buttons , however on a tablet or phone these buttons need to be small, compact and intuitive in order to save space.

3. Using the right size text
If the text is too small learners will not be able to see it on their phones or tablets, likewise if it is too big it will make it difficult to read, having text that is size 12 or 14 is a good middle ground and will ensure learners can easily read text regardless of what device they are using.
4. Trim Bulky Pictures And Graphics
Learners who are taking training on the go are likely to be using a slower connection compared to a PC on a high speed wifi connection, cutting down large images or reducing the size of videos will help to prevent frustrations when loading over slower connections.