Translating eLearning for Multiple Languages Using Storyline 360 – Part 2
Let’s continue from where we left off on the previous post, but first let’s do a quick recap on things we have already discussed regarding translation of eLearning modules:
Account for space, meaning that always keep in mind what languages the eLearning module is going to be translated into, when designing the layout - For example, when creating a French eLearning module, and the original eLearning module is English, you need to account for 30% more screen text as the French translation will always be longer than the English text.
Export the eLearning text by using the feature provided in Storyline
Don’t change the formatting of the exported eLearning text, to avoid any undesirable issues when reimporting the translated text back into the eLearning module.
Translating eLearning images
I would say this is one of the most time-consuming parts when translating eLearning modules. We cannot avoid using images 100% without text, mostly because some of our clients may want to use images for which the don’t have the source files.
When you are presented with a situation like this, first make sure you create a separate document where you cover all the text that wasn’t exported from Storyline 360 fro your eLearning module (unfortunately, this software doesn’t export text that comes from images) and send it to translation.
Then, when you have the eLearning translation back, you have to put on your Photoshop wizard hat. Hopefully it will be a task as easy as just covering the original text with only colours, or basic shapes, but occasionally you will have to do more than that and get into some serious “photoshopping”.
Be ready for that; if your skills don’t go that far, make sure you have a resource available that can help you out with this job.
Translating eLearning audio
Make sure you work with your at the beginning of the project, to identify a professional audio talent for each language you will be creating your eLearning module in.
It is also a good practice to create an audio script document, from the beginning of the project, that way you make your life, your translator’s life and your audio talent’s life, easier.
Also, keep in mind that when importing the new audio files into the eLearning moduel, you will have to switch around animations and assets in the timeline, since the new audio may be shorter or longer than the original one.
Preparing Storyline for your language
Before importing the translated text into storyline, make sure of two things (see screenshot):
Auto correct is not enabled
The dictionary is set to the language you are translating the eLearning module into
That way, when the text is imported into the eLearning module, you won’t have issues with words being changed automatically, and being identified as being spelled incorrectly (trust me, this will save you a lot of headaches).

Importing translated assets and finalizing translation text in your eLearning module
Finally, import the document using the feature available in Storyline:

If you are lucky (and if you set yourself up for success), after a couple of minutes, your eLearning module will be translated into the new language.
Importing the text would be the first step, then you would have to import images, audio, and check for formatting issues and identify areas where you need to sync assets with audio again.
Also, as a last step before publishing your translated eLearning module, make sure you change the language of your player, that’ll save you a lot of time, since Storyline already comes with default text translated into several languages:

For more information about creating eLearning modules in different languages, contact Pathways Training and eLearning Inc. at or phone us at 1-888-961-6011 extension 121 or 122.