New Year Resolutions

At the start of ever year there occurs a phenomenon that is as predicable as the rising Sun. The event in question is the annual setting of the New Years resolutions. Quitting smoking, losing weight, easing up on the drinking, etc. These are just a few of the resolutions that many of us decide to tackle with the best intentions, only to have most if not all fall by the wayside before Ground Hog day. Regardless of our collective success rate, in thinking about resolutions it often occurs to me that they usually focus on improving attributes of our personal lives or well being. But what about resolutions for our business life? Should we all add one or two office resolutions in there just to keep a good balance? With that in mind, here are a few of my suggestions for 2016.
Tell more people about the potential for 360 videos & eLearning. Considering I work for a Training and eLearning company this resolution would seem rather obvious, but business contacts and customers aside, I still come across many family, friends and acquaintances that have only the smallest understanding of what eLearning is and what we can do with it. Now add to that a relatively new modality in the form of 360 videos and, well, I have my work cut out for me! We at Pathways are very excited about the potential for new opportunities in eLearning and especially 360 videos to the point we will be showcasing some exciting new content in the very near future…so hopefully this will help me get the word out!
Make a sale. We are all salespeople for our organisations in some capacity, however I am looking to make this a bit more “official” by recruiting and signing a client this year. Now assuming I am successful with my first resolution, this will hopefully not be as daunting. It helps that I truly believe I work for an amazing organisation filled with talented eLearning professionals so this should be an easy one for me to achieve.
Get it right the first time. I have written in the past about the importance of the First-Time Right process as, among other things, an opportunity to remind myself and my team that being thorough in everything we do will go a long way towards ensuring a project is brought to a successful conclusion, on time and under budget which is (obviously) the goal for all of our projects.
While I cannot guarantee a successful year if I strictly adhere to all of my resolutions, I am quite certain the effort will most definitely be worth it and something to look back on with pride when reviewing 2017.
back on with pride when reviewing 2017.
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