Creating Captivating eLearning Modules
Captivating a learner’s attention with an eLearning module can be a difficult task. Trying to create an eLearning module that both meets the needs of a client and is “entertaining” enough to captivate the learner’s attention is not something that is easy to do. Although it may be difficult, it is not impossible.
Here are some tips on creating a captivating eLearning module.
1. Add Captivating Visuals
Add videos to the background of introduction slides. Having a background that features some moving images can help grasp a reader’s attention and is very easy to do. To do this just add a video to the background of the slide, and have it auto play when the reader goes to that slide. Make sure the audio for that video is muted if the video is not associated with any information on the slide.
2. Add Animations
Include lots of animations throughout the eLearning module to keep a reader interested. Having motion helps visual learners greatly. It helps to have these animations be associated with audio as well. If you are listing out information have the listed information appear when the audio mentions the information. Have images such as pictures or shapes have animations as well, often times pictures and shapes can also be associated with audio with audio too, not just points of information.
3. Don’t Flood Slides with Information
Try to keep information being displayed concise. Have elaborations on the information be kept in the audio only if possible. Information should be paraphrased for displaying on the slides themselves. Having too much information on a slide can overwhelm a learner and dilute interest in the module.
4. Add Music to Title Screens
Adding music to title screens is an easy way to keep learners interested. Having something other than text on the screen helps add something more to the slide and can make a simple title more interesting.
5. Add Interaction
Adding different kinds of interaction to eLearning modules is one of the best ways to keep readers interested. Interaction can be quizzes, objects that are clickable that reveal content, and even games can be programmed into the eLearning modules, although that requires much more complicated. Having interactions can also help a learner retain information better, especially in the form of quizzes.
6. Add Video
Video is a great way of captivating the attention of a reader. Make sure the videos are relevant to the topic, and are not too long in length, maybe 2-3 minutes at most, and make sure that the audio is clear and level.
Creating captivating eLearning modules is not easy, but hopefully these tips can point you in the right direction to creating a great eLearning module that you can be proud of, and that your clients will love.
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