How you can create great eLearning animations using Actions in Vyond
Vyond is a browser-based tool that lets you create professional whiteboard and 2D animations. One of the benefits of using Vyond is that it outputs animations as a video file, this means it can be viewed as a stand alone video or easily integrated into other eLearning courses.
In Vyond one of the most important features you will use is the Action feature. An Action is a type of movement that you can apply to a character, once applied this will animate the character doing something on screen.
After selecting your character in Vyond Actions can be accessed by clicking on the Actions icon in the top right.

When opening up the Actions menu you will see all the Actions organised by type, for example you have animations related to Sports, Cooking, Daily Life or Travel. Below is an example of all the types of available animations.

After clicking into an Action type you will then be able to select an Action from that category. For example in the Cooking & Catering category we have an action titled “Adding pepper”.

If we apply this Action we will see the character will go from a neutral position to now holding a pepper grinder. If we play this scene the character will now become animated and will grind pepper.
