How To Avoid Filler Graphics in Your eLearning

Graphics are an essential part of eLearning. Graphics help us recognize and recollect eLearning content more effectively, as well as retain interest when the graphics are appealing and well composed.
However, just because graphics are important doesn’t mean they can be used in every case. It is just as important to make sure that the graphics support the content in a meaningful way, and aren’t put in just to fill space. If you remove the text from a page with graphics on it, will the learner still be able to understand something about the material, or otherwise engage with the page? If not, then you need to find another image. The last thing you want is to confuse or mislead your learner with incongruous imagery.
Remember, there are lots of ways for graphics to represent your information. Here are some tips to ensure you’re not putting filler graphics into your elearning.
1. A graphic doesn’t necessarily have to be a literal image of something your content is talking about. A graphic could represent a step in a process, a part of a concept, an interaction between people or things. If it helps convey your idea, it’s useful.
2. Graphics can be used just as a background to add interest to parts of your elearning that doesn’t contain a lot of content. However, try to keep this type of usage to a minimum.
3. Choose a consistent style of graphics – if you’re using photos, don’t mix it up with clipart or illustrations.
4. Use graphics that are on brand with your company and your message to your learners. Choose graphics that should help your audience associate the imagery with the content, or ideally, represent the actual scenarios, places or people your elearning is about.
5. Infographics are a useful way to present a lot of data. Finding an interesting way to represent data points help your learner absorb a lot of elearning more readily. For more on how to design an effective infographic, check out some of our infographics on our website here, or our other articles on graphic design!