Using stock photos on eLearning modules
Right from the start, I will say the challenge is on the eye of the programmer (kind of like the idiom that says “Beauty is in the eye of...
Using stock photos on eLearning modules
Storyline Canvas Size
Manipulating Audio inside of eLearning Modules
Utilizing sound effects in eLearning Modules
Talking at the Gym
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Defining Functionality Requirements for an eLearning, Gamification or mLearning Project
These Things Go Together: Grit, Cross-Country and Learning
Things you need to know about having voice acting in your elearning
Learning At The Mouth Of A Volcano
eLearning for Tablets
Benefits of eLearning
Using fonts that are not web-safe on your eLearning module
How well can you "Articulate"?
Learning on the "GO"
Future eLearning Technologies