Benefits of blended learning
Blended learning is a learning & development approach that involves combining traditional learning such as classroom sessions with digital training such as eLearning, videos and learning games. Blended learning involves combing the best of both learning types, when used together it can be an effective method to help to deliver a well structured learning solution for your learners.
Below are some of the benefits that using a blended learning approach can have for your organisation.
1. Reinforcement
When learners take a classroom session this can often be for long periods of time, learners may have to sit in a classroom for a number of hours in order for the facilitator to cover all the content, this also means that learners take in a large amount of information that may be difficult to retain. By conducting a classroom session then using digital training methods such as a supplemental eLearning taken shortly after will help to reinforce key topics that the instructor covered in the classroom session.
2. Time
Classroom sessions often have materials that they provide to the learners to help them understand the topics that are being taught by the facilitator. These materials might be notes, diagrams or other information often on sheets of paper. This may not seem like a big deal at first but someone had to manually print, organise and staple those sheets of paper, in small classes this is not an issue but when having large classes or teaching the same class multiple times this can be a costly process in terms of both time and money. Using online platforms where learners can login in and download the documents will save a lot of time, once the facilitator has created the document they simply need to upload it to the platform and then students can download it at any time on their computers.
3. Testing
Testing is another area than can benefit greatly from using a blended learning approach. Before if you wanted to give your learners a test you had to manually print pieces of paper, the learner would then fill out their answers on a piece of paper and then someone would need to read the answers and make note of the results. This is a very time consuming process for everyone involved. One of the benefits of using a blended approach to testing is having learners take online tests using their laptops in class. Some of the benefits of this includes automatic scoring and the ability for the facilitator to easily review questions. If you are concerned with learners being able to look answers up online, having a strict time limit can deter learners from looking up every answer as they will not have enough time to look up the answer to every question and finish the exam in time.
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