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Storyline elearning features you might not know about

Storyline has been continually updating its program, adding more features to streamline your workflow, add accessibility, and help you create the elearning you envision! Here are some of the ones you might not already know about.

1. Detect and replace missing fonts

When you open an existing project coded by a different developer, Storyline lets you know if there are fonts in it that you do not have installed. If you don’t want to install them, there is also a replace feature that lets you select one of the fonts used in the project and replace it with one of your choosing. No need to select each text box to figure out which one has the missing font in it!

2. Reorder trigger conditions

Trigger conditions can be reordered just by dragging and dropping, instead of deleting and remaking them to in the order you want.

3. Player accessibility controls

Storyline has now added Accessibility controls to the player frame, which allows learners to toggle zoom to fit, accessible text, and keyboard shortcuts for keyboard users. There are also navigation improvements for screen reader users and keyboard only users, turning off auto-reading for screen readers, and skipping text and image content for keyboard-only users to speed up navigation.

These are just a few of the improvements Storyline has made for elearning creators and users, and there are more coming in the near future.


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