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eLearning Trends

Unlike other traditional learning methods eLearning is something that revolves around both technology and learning trends. As technology and how we learn is constantly evolving some trends have stayed around longer than others, for example the demand and need for distance learning has increased as learning as been made increasingly accessible due to the expansion of the internet. Keeping up with eLearning trends is important as it will allow you to develop engaging and innovative digital training for your learners.

Below are 3 eLearning development trends that you should consider when developing your next eLearning course.

1. Gamification

Gamification involves taking elements of games and incorporating them into eLearning and learning materials. It is important to note that gamification and learning games are different, gamification involves using elements of games such as avatars, leaderboards and badges to increase engagement for learners, a learning game on the other hand involves creating a fully working game that teaches learners about a specific topic. Gamification is an important thing to consider when developing eLearning as it can increase interactivity and learner engagement in the content you are trying to teach, the benefit of this is that learners are more likely to take in the learning concepts you are trying to teach them.

2. Micro Learning

Micro Learning is a concept that has been around for awhile, the concept of micro learning involves breaking up learning material into small bite sizes chunks the learner can digest easier, this is the exact opposite of long form videos or training materials. The benefit of using micro learning is that it is easier for learners to understand learning concepts due to it being in smaller parts, by breaking things down it also means learners can better engage in what is being taught to them. This learning trend is something that works well with eLearning as each micro learning chunk could be a separate eLearning or it could be broken down into modules or sections. When used in combination mLearning (mobile learning) this can be an effective way to deliver digital training.

3. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that allows users to interact virtually with real life surroundings. VR (Virtual Reality) involves the use of a headset and other equipment to immerse the user in a virtual world, AR however requires much less hardware and typically just involves the use of a mobile device e.g a smartphone, tablet etc. One way to use AR is through the camera on a smartphone or tablet, when the user points the camera at a specific area it will show a virtual image or animation on screen. In terms of learning this could be used as learning prompts when the user is physically walking around or as part of a learning game that the user interacts with.


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