Checks to perform when releasing eLearning
As a majority of people are now regularly working and learning from home, ensuring that your eLearning is accurate and works as intended is vital. When releasing your eLearning and digital training there are several checks you should perform to ensure your learners have the best experience possible.
Below are some things you should always check when releasing your eLearning and digital training to a live environment.
1. Broken Links
When developing eLearning you may want to add external links to additional learning content, this might link to a PDF, video or website which provides more info. When adding links always ensure that you check the links work before releasing the eLearning. It may seem obviously but if one character is missing from a link it can cause it to break, which results in the learner not being able to access the content. If your eLearning and digital training relies on these external resources, it could result in the learner not being able to understand the upcoming sections of your course.
2. Buttons
Throughout your eLearning you will most likely use a variety of buttons, this might be a Next button that the learner uses to progress in the course or it could be used in a click and reveal activity where the learner clicks on certain areas of the screen to reveal information. Regardless of what it is used for always ensure you buttons perform the intended tasks, if you are copying buttons make sure that you update the triggers and associated functionality. When placing buttons on screen always try to ensure that they are clearly visible and of a consistent style so that the learner knows its something they need to click on.
3. Text
Text will be one of the main forms of communication that you will use to teach your learners. Text is quick and to the point and allows you to clearly get your message across. However, when using text you should be mindful of how it appears on screen, If you use too much text it can make the screen look static and result in the learner reading walls of text. As a result it can be harder to see small mistakes if you have a lot of text, keep an eye out for things such double spaces, incorrect fonts, missing grammar and text overlapping or being cut off.