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Celebrating eLearning and Training Successes! A Special Thank You to Sweet Flour!

One of our instructional designers lost his mother a few weeks ago and I wanted to find a way to say “we’re thinking of you” without sending flowers (I am never sure if it’s okay to send flowers or not to a guy, so I avoid the entire situation entirely). We have been using an unbelievable company called Sweet Flour to create thank you and appreciation gifts for our clients (like any good project manager knows, good project management methodology dictates you should always celebrate project successes, and at Pathways Training and eLearning, we like to do that with cookies and other delicious baked goods).

Sweet Flour is an example of a company, who does everything right! They exceed expectations in what they deliver, and they surprise and delight in their creativity. I first came across Sweet Flour when they had recreated my daughters hockey jersey with her team logo and number on a tiny cookie. Not only was it incredibly impressive (it was so adorable that my daughter didn’t want to eat it) but when she did finally take a bite – it was absolutely delicious as well.

At Pathways Training and eLearning we do a lot of customer service training for many luxury automotive brands and large fortune 500 client as well (some of our clients for customer service training include BMW, Porsche, Audi, VW, Mercedes-Benz, TD and RBC). Here are a few interesting stats from our customer service training courses.

· The average person tell 9-12 people when they receive good customer service but when they receive poor customer service they tell significantly more (usually 20 people or more).

· Customer will typically pay over 60% more for good customer service.

· For every customer complaint, there are 26 other customers who have remained silent (this is particularly true with Canadian consumers).

We are so busy these days, that we often don’t take the time to say thank you and I wanted to say a very heartful thank-you to Sweet Flour for always come through for us and our clients, not only with delicious baked goods but also with exceptional customer service as well.


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